
Weird Mini Tornado Dream

I had an interesting dream the other night. I Can’t remember much of it anymore but it went somehow like this… I remember a large open area, the landscape being pretty much just rock and sand. Everything was gray and brown; some hills but nothing higher than that. The birches were there from the beginning, the way they look like in winter: no leaves in them… I can’t quite recall if it was morning or evening, but the sky was slightly clouded and the wind was blowing. I wasn’t alone, there were others too, apparently some of them I knew somehow. None of them were from real life though. I remember looking at the sky, watching how the wind twisted the clouds in a way it shouldn’t, and I noticed clear signs of what was about to happen. I told somebody to look at the sky and said that the wind was unusually strong and not coming from only one direction. While explaining this, the clouds (that didn’t cover the sky completely) began to circle each other above us, the wind getting even stronger, and I said that they were forming a tornado. I didn’t feel afraid, I just passively observed everything. So, we got the tornado. Not a big one, just twice or three times higher than a human being but still a powerful and scary one. I can’t remember people being in panic; perhaps because I didn’t really observe them, I was fascinated by the tornado. The person I spoke with earlier asked me what we should we do to avoid danger, just like I would have been the only one to know what to do. Perhaps it was because I was the only one totally calm. I told them to grab a tree, a strong one, and hold on tight not to get swept away by it. More tornados appeared, about the same size, can’t remember how many but there were more than three. Following my own advice I held onto a tree as the tornados approached me. I remember moving, trying to avoid it, and managing pretty well, but it seemed to have a will of its own and purposefully coming after me, lol! I was like, “f*** no, you won’t get me” and with calm determination refused to let go, knowing that I was going to win after all. I felt that strong pulling sensation, trying to get me to let go, yet I didn’t, and after bugging me for a short while it left. I remember some smaller trees flying around but obviously nobody got hurt, well, I didn’t at least, can’t remember what happened after that.
I sometimes dream about strong natural phenomena like wildfires and tornados, but even though I’m there and have a lot of “it was close” situations I never have gotten hurt. I’m not sure about what’s coming, changes at least, but I’m confident that I’ll make it through whatever trials might come to my way. So far no idea about the meaning of this dream. Perhaps it’s just an unrecognized wish of mine, to be able to help people through the difficulties, to be strong? To be a leader, to be something I could be proud of?..

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