
Visited by Grandpa in a Dream?

First some dreams. I had a weird dream the other night, it was about my mother’s father (a person I can’t remember ever meeting). I can’t remember it well anymore since I woke up after the dream and fall asleep again. I remember that we (mom and my sisters) were worried about him since he wanted to go away, and he used to leave the house when we didn’t notice. He was old, and walked slowly with his cane. One day (or night?) he was gone and we started to search for him. I remember walking down path somewhere, towards him obviously; I was alone. It was in the middle of nature since there were trees and grass. Somehow I knew he had gone that way. When I reached him, he was still walking away from that something, and I asked him why he left. He told me, being very tired, that he simply didn’t want to be there. I had no idea where he was going. At some point the others came. Grandpa was all of the sudden lying on the ground, and said that he couldn’t carry on and then he passed away, very peacefully; it looked like he had just fallen asleep.
This is the first time I’ve seen anything like this. Mom said that she thinks she was visited by her father lately as well, and that my dream most likely means something. I believe that too, I just have no idea what it could be…
Next, a dream I don’t have anymore. For years I’ve been dreaming about telekinesis. I’ve been seeing those dreams regularly, and they’re always about me. In the beginning, many many years ago, I had a huge desire (in a dream) to be able to move objects without physically touching them. Somehow I managed to move a small objec,t just a little, and it took a lot of energy to do that. From there I began developing that ability, gradually being able to move bigger objects. Then I learned to move more than one at the same time; first slowly, then faster and further. Lately I’ve been really good at that, throwing objects like in Star Wars, trusting myself, knowing what I’m doing, getting rid of that “I wanna show others” attitude. And now I haven’t seen those dreams for a while. I have no idea what’s the meaning in them, probably showing how I’ve improved during these years… Not in telekinesis but in conquering my illness or something A pity that I don’t have those dreams anymore, they were so much fun.

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