
Wednesday January 7, 2009 Dream

So I’m at some sort of prison thing, and there is a competition going on so we have to go outside to do some of the events. Its winter and snow is all around. I’m in a group of three people: Richard (“win, whin” from 8th grade who moved) Scott Kass, and myself. The guards let me out the door, but it happens to be the wrong one. I end up going right up to the front gates, and what do ya know? The snow is piled so high in this corner that it goes up above the fence and down the other side. Almost so perfect that I cant help but think that someone planned this. If I really wanted to I could have just made a break for it. I hear someone say something about me, or rather asking if that’s really who tried to escape. I then proceed to go back to the front door, and tell them what happened, and they seem to understand. After that I went to an auditorium, and I am looking for my group. I happen to see Tyler (jan-cow-ski) and I don’t recall who he is sitting with, so I say hi to him before going down further into the auditorium. We talk for a few moments and then I wake up.

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